Work listing

Previous jobs
Cherry tree dismantle
Take down of large dead cherry, customer wanted the tree cut down to the main stem/trunk, leaving a 'monolith' to possibly grow back or to continue on as habitat. All arisings removed from site and log wood split for fire wood.
Large pine dismantle
Large pine removed from rear of property as showing signs of root heave in high winds. All wood chip and logs left on site as habitat.
Riverside bank clearance
Working for a building contractor we were tasked to clear 100m of riverbank near Maidstone Kent. Working from the river and the towpath to fell and dismantle multiple trees to give a clear view of the river from the bank. Small branches chipped to bank, cord wood chopped and stacked.
Ash tree reduction
Large mature ash trees suffering from ash die back reduced to main stem to make safe. Stems left as 'monoliths' for habitat. Work was carried out using a MEWP.
Willow pollard
Willow tree located within church yard, pollarded back to original cut points.
Leylandii hedge
Large leylandii hedge cut back to boundary fence.