Environmental impact
This term is often used to highlight the negative consequences of human actions on the environment. At LTS we strive to lessen the impact we have on the planet as a tree surgery business, by practising arboriculture in a considered way we can often help to improve biodiversity and lessen our carbon footprint. Below are some examples of ways in which we try to do this.

Battery powered tools
At LTS we use battery power tools where ever possible, these tools include; chainsaws, pole saws, hedge cutter, top handle saw and leaf blower. These tools reduce emissions while at work and reduce noise levels for the user and public.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.
100% of the wood we remove from a job site gets recycled. Wood chip can be used for biomass, producing electricity. Or we often provide clean wood chip to local schools for their 'forest school' activities. The log wood gets split and stored to be used as fuel. Nothing goes to waste!

Habitat creation.
If feasible we can create wildlife habitats in your back garden. These are simple ideas like log piles, brash piles or simple fencing. Many small mammals, amphibians and insects will use these as a place to shelter, for hibernation and even a permanent home.
Log piles can attract hedgehogs; mice, beetles, moths, newts, toads and frogs. In turn these animals can help keep other pests from your garden like slugs.

Biodegradable oil
We only use biodegradable chainsaw oil for our tools. The product we use is readily biodegradable in soil and water, non-toxic for human or the environment. EU Ecolabel certification makes it simple to know that the product is both environmentally friendly and good quality.